Due to the COVID-19 shutdowns, one of the biggest pop culture events of the year, San Diego Comic-Con International, will not be held, but organizers have managed to pull together some of the biggest names in entertainment to provide a virtual Comic-Con that millions will be able to view from the safety and comfort of their homes.
Just because the Con wraps up on Sunday doesn’t mean that the day isn’t packed full of panels to appeal to fans of all stripes. There is a celebration of the original ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ movies. There will also be a virtual gathering of various ‘Power Rangers’ from throughout the years. And ‘The 100’ creators and cast may be gathered for their final panel.
Check out all of the Sunday panels below. Times are Pacific.:
10:00 AM
Animated Illustration
Celebrating 80 Years of Will Eisner’s The Spirit
Emily the Strange Virtual Panel Experience
First TMNT Film 30th Anniversary
Imagination & Fun for Kids – The IDW Way!
Little Fish: From Physical to Digital, Thriving and Growing
Motherland: Fort Salem: A World of Magic, Action, and Intrigue
Over30Cosplay: Virtual Costuming and Cosplay Advice and Support for the Mature Cosplayer
Turning Fandoms into Movements for Good
YA Fantasy and the Power of Storytelling
11:00 PM
Adventures in Spanish Voice Acting
BOOM! Studios: Discover Yours
Jack Kirby 101: An Introduction
No Tow Trucks Beyond Mars
State of the Tabletop Industry
Super Geeked Up: Geeky Improv Comedy
Top Kids Authors Come Together for Gotham Reads
V.E. Schwab Shades of Magic Comics Panel
12:00 PM
Book Buzz! Team Underlined Shares the Biggest and Best New YA
Bronies in the Post G4 Era
Cardboard Superheroes: Creating Life-Sized Cardboard Models of Your Favorite Superheroes
Comic-Con Film School
Masters of Style: Woodring, Fleener, Muradov and Hernandez
The 100
The Craft of Worldbuilding in Comics
Women On The Dark Side
1:00 PM
Aztec Depictions in Pop Culture: 500 Years After the Fall
Comics about Motherhood and Reproductive Choice
HBO Max: Looney Tunes Cartoons
Kevin Eastman Panel
Mega64 Panel In These Trying Times
Red Dwarf: The Promised Land
The Stars and Executive Producer of ABC’s “The Goldbergs”
Tor Teen: Own Your Magic
Who’s the Best Doctor Who?
Writing for TV: From First Draft to Getting Staffed
2:00 PM
A Conversation with Nathan Fillion
Creating and Drawing the Action Comic Character with Monte Moore
Don’t Tell Your Story, Show It!
Inspired by Real Life: The True Stories Behind Graphic Novels
Invader Zim Conquers Everything!
LGBTQ Comics and Popular Media for Young People
Robotech: The Next Phase
Super Asian America
The Four Quadrants of Publishing
3:00 PM
How to Create Your Own Novel: From First Idea to Publishing and What You Need to Sell Your Work Into TV and Film
Inside The Vault of Ripley’s Most Exclusive Finds
It’s Morphin’ Time! Power Rangers Meet Up
Keenspot 20th Annual Comic-Con Panel: Pandemic Edition
Making A Living Being Creative
The Art of Film and TV Posters
The Writer’s Journey: Developing a Producer’s Mentality
Wakanda Forever! The Psychology Black Panther
World-Builders: The Evolution of Immersive Entertainment
4:00 PM
Careers in Geek Fashion
Christmas in July: The Psychology of Pop Culture and Christmas
Composer Squares Game Show
Everyone’s a Critic: Being a Journalist in an Online Age
Full Time Creative Work On A Part Time Schedule
Indie Filmmaker’s Survival Guide
Public Domain Comics: From Sherlock Holmes to Mickey Mouse and Beyond
Ray Bradbury Goes to Hollywood
Supernatural Therapy: Fighting Internal Monsters like a Hunter IRL
The Grind NEVER stops, not even during a quarantine
Villains: We’re Misunderstood!
Also, check out the schedules for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
To read more details about all panels and to schedule your viewings, visit the Comic-Con website.