Fans of both DC’s Elsewhere stories and the DC Animated Movie universe have a new movie to look forward to with Warner Bros releasing ‘Superman: Red Son’ this week for Digital downloads. The film is, as stated before, based on a DC Elsewhere story that found Kal-El (aka Superman) landing in Soviet Russia instead of rural Kansas when he first came to Earth, resulting with the hero growing up with the ideals and institutions of Soviet Russia – meaning he is not the Boy Scout of America that we all know and love but more of a dictatorial figure in the USSR.
The clip released recently reveals how Superman growing up Russian affects other heroes in the world and who they become, revealing that the Batman of ‘Superman: Red Son’ is also Russian but in this world, he is a bit of a terrorist who is out to stop Superman and the government and to break the people free of their iron rule. Not only that, but this Batman seems to have no issue with killing civilians, as the clip below reveals, murdering a museum full of regular people just to make a point.
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Check out the clip for yourself below:
The fact that Batman does not even give those people a chance to flee is a little chilling as is his callous attitude toward death, but it does reinforce how important the “no killing” rule is to the real Batman as it sets him above regular vigilantes and terrorists.
Aside from seeing a truly dark Batman (and Superman really), the film also boasts an amazing cast of voice talent. Leading the actors as the Russian Superman is Jason Isaacs (‘Star Trek: Discovery’), followed by Diedrich Bader as Lex Luther, Amy Acker as Lois Lane, Vanessa Marshall as Wonder Woman, Paul Williams as Brainiac, Sasha Roiz as Hal Jordan, and Phil LaMarr as John Stewart. The movie was produced and directed by Sam Liu, with the script being written by J.M. DeMatteis. If it stays true to the source comic, it promises some amazing action, especially as Superman fights off the various heroes and villains of the world, as well as some thought provoking moments as we see the basically “good” Superman wrestle with his Soviet upbringing and come to terms with who he really is.
As stated before, ‘Superman: Red Son’ is now available for Digital download, and will be available for Home Video release (aka 4k Ultra HD Combo Pack and Blu-Ray) on March 17, 2020.
Source: IGN