‘Wonder Woman 1984’ was supposed to have swung into theaters in June, but due to COVID-19, it has been postponed a few times. Right now, it is slated to finally arrive on October 2. But one element that was supposed to have been kept somewhat secret before its release was the metamorphosis undergone by Barbara Minerva, played by Kristen Wiig. The character starts out as a co-worker and friend of Diana’s (Gal Gadot) at the Smithsonian, but over the course of the film, she transforms into the sinister Cheetah.
There have been multiple Cheetahs in the comics, with the earlier versions being regular women, but that changed in 1987 with the introduction of Barbara Minerva, a mystical half-woman, half-feline, with real claws and lightning reflexes and enhanced speed.

The publicity photos that have been released of Wiig in character have only shown her as a reasonably normal woman, but with the merchandising for the movie arriving (which had been timed for release along with the movie’s original date), fans have gotten a look at how Barbara will ultimately turn out in the movie.
Even so, Wiig
“We weren’t allowed to take any pictures. This was lockdown. They have it somewhere, and you will see it. But there are different evolutions to my character. I will leave you with that.”
The secrecy extended to her meeting with Patty Jenkins. At the time, she wasn’t even told what project the meeting concerned, although it was somewhat obvious.
“My agent called and said, ‘Patty Jenkins wants to talk to you. She won’t say what it’s about, but she’s directing another Wonder Woman movie.’ It was all very secretive…. was one of the most nerve-racking things of my life. After that, Patty and I met for a drink and really hit it off. I didn’t hear anything for a while when I got home, so I flipped out when I got the part.”
To get into shape for the role, Wiig underwent “really f—ing hard” training.
“My schedule wasn’t like Gal’s by any means, because she was there all day every day. But I had stunt training, and when they’d show me previews of what I’d have to do, I’d be like, ‘Are you insane?’ By the end, I felt strong and had a ton of energy. I felt good — it wasn’t about getting skinny or muscly. But I went through so much Epsom salt. And wine.
“I’m a superhero nerd, so this is my dream. I’ve always wanted to have superpowers… I never thought I’d get the chance to be in one of those movies — I’m in my 40s, and I’m not known for being this type of actor. I would look around the set and think, ‘I can’t believe I’m in this.'”
Fan will finally get to see Wiig in a whole different way, when ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ finally debuts in theaters on October 2. (Hopefully.)
Source: InStyle