‘Batman: The Animated Series’. ‘X-Men’. ‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’. Are you old enough to remember these shows blowing up on FOX Kids? You may have never thought about it, but there is one person to thank for delivering these hits, as well as ‘The Smurfs’, ‘Goosebumps’, ‘Muppet Babies’, and ‘Fraggle Rock’ — TV executive Margaret Loesch. Loesch can be seen in episodes of Netflix’s ‘The Toys That Made Us’, and the company that made that series is dedicating an entire documentary to Loesch and her role in shaping a generation of childhoods.
It doesn’t appear that the doc has a title yet, but it will hail from The Nacelle Company, which has also created ‘The Movies That Made Us’, which was recently confirmed to be getting a second season. This doc will be co-directed by Brian Volk-Weiss (‘The Toys That Made Us’, ‘The Movies That Made Us’, ‘Behind The Attraction’) and Brian Stillman (‘Plastic Galaxy: The Story of The Star Wars Toys’, ‘Eye Of The Beholder: The Art Of Dungeons and Dragons’). It was recently announced that Stillman will also be co-directing a doc about ‘Magic: The Gathering’, also headed to Netflix. Cisco Henson will executive produce the Loesch project for The Nacelle Company.
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Loesch is the former President and CEO of Fox Kids, Marvel Productions, Discovery Communications, and Hasbro’s The Hub. In addition to properties already mentioned, Loesch had a hand in the original ’80s ‘Transformers’ cartoon, ‘Transformers: The Movie’ (the animated movie, not one of those Michael Bay monstrosities), ‘My Little Pony: The Movie’, and ‘G.I. Joe: The Movie’.
More recently, as the president and CEO of The Hub, she helped reboot ‘G.I. Joe’, launched ‘My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic’, and a live-action series ‘The Haunting Hour’.

A second season of ‘The Movies That Made Us’ is on its way, following the successful first which looked behind the scenes of ‘Die Hard’, ‘Dirty Dancing’, ‘Ghostbusters’, and ‘Home Alone’. (It has not yet been announced what movies will be covered in upcoming episodes.)
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There have been three seasons of ‘The Toys That Made Us’, with episodes devoted to ‘Barbie’, ‘G.I. Joe’, Hello Kitty, LEGO, ‘Masters of the Universe’, ‘Power Rangers’, ‘Star Trek’, ‘Star Wars’, ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’, ‘Transformers’, and professional wrestling. It has not yet been announced whether or not there will be a fourth season.
It was not announced when or where the Loesch documentary will be offered, but Netflix would be a safe guess. Are you interested in finding out more about what went into bringing ‘Batman: The Animated Series’, ‘Power Rangers’ and ‘X-Men’ to TV screens everywhere?
Source: Deadline