In the mythical realm of Eternia, Skeletor’s forces have mysteriously invaded Castle Grayskull, defeated their heroically-mighty defenses, and imprisoned the Sorceress. Man-at-Arms and…
With the new ‘Masters of the Universe’ movie actually looking as though it might get made in the next few years, it’s the…
Hello one and all, and welcome to an all-new Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column right here on where we…
Fans attending Power-Con, an annual gathering of acolytes of all things ‘Masters of the Universe’ or ‘Princess of Power’, were greeted by an…
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Welcome back one and all, to an all new Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column right here on where we…
Welcome back one and all, to an all new Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column right here on where we…
Noah Centineo admitted that he had to join a gym to get buff for his recent Calvin Klein underwear ad campaign, but he…
Sony Pictures and Mattel Films have scheduled ‘Masters of the Universe’ to be released on March 5, 2021, after bumping it from December…
Hello and welcome one and all to yet another Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column right here on where we…
Millennial heartthrob du jour Noah Centineo has confirmed that he will portray He-Man/Prince Adam in the upcoming Sony film adaptation of ‘Masters of…
Sony has decided that the sprawling fantasy epic ‘Masters of the Universe’, which hasn’t begun filming, and doesn’t even appear to be close…
As per our regularly scheduled programming, we are back with an all new Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column right here…
We’re back again with a jam packed Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column right here on where we seek out…
The film that has been in development for decades now– ‘Masters of the Universe’— may actually begin filming this summer! It will be…
According to an insider close to the project, Noah Centineo is in talks to star as He-Man, the lead character in Sony Pictures…