While ‘Batman: The Animated Series’ has long been considered the pinnacle of superhero cartoons, The 90s ‘X-Men‘ cartoon was a close second and after a long hiatus, the mutants are finally coming back in animated form. The announcements are apparently set for well after ‘X-Men ResurrXion’ kicks off. With Marvel and Fox Studios seemingly patched up their differences from the cinematic franchises once Marvel Studios has split away, more collaboration has been happening and it seems like the mutants are going to be getting a lot more attention coming up.
We already knew that the studios were working together on ‘Legion’ and the untitled ‘X-Men’ project though now a new cartoon is going to be happening. This isn’t to say that the mutants have been completely absent from cartoons in recent years. Wolverine and some of the other heavy players have shown up in other shows, but not as an ensemble team as fans have wanted.
As we don’t have any real concrete details at this time my money is that it will be an entirely stand alone series and not be connected to the cinematic or televised universe that Fox already has in place or to the original animated series. It will be hard to imagine that they can top the writing of the original series but at the very least it should visually be able to blow it out of the water.
Are you happy to hear that we’ll be able to see the mutants in a brand new X-Men cartoon in the next year or two? What are your thoughts on Fox and Marvel finally working together again? Share your thoughts below True Believers!
Source: Bleeding Cool
Stuart Conover is an author, blogger, and all around geek. When not busy being a father and husband he tries to spend as much time as possible immersed in comic books, science fiction, and horror! Would you like to know more? Follow him on Twitter!