Although he didn’t die, most fans viewed his last scene in ‘Avengers: Endgame’ as the last time they’d see Chris Evans in the role of Steve Rogers/Captain America. But for those that are still struggling to come to grips with that farewell, Sebastian Stan offered a tiny shred of hope. The actor, who will star in the upcoming Disney+ series ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ appeared this weekend at Fandemic Tour Houston, where he stated:
“You never really know if ‘goodbye’ in the MCU is goodbye. It never really feels like it. It takes time to kind of [process]. But it’s strange. I mean, we’ll see. It will never be… Captain America will never be the same without Chris Evans, it just won’t. I mean, that’s just the truth. It doesn’t mean that Captain America is over, it just means that particular situation will never be the same.”

Cap passed his shield over to The Falcon (Anthony Mackie), before, presumably going back to his normal life, which he’d spent decades living. He had married Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) and had sons. Do we really want to pry Steve away from that happy existence and force his geriatric ass (granted, it’s still America’s ass) back into action just because some fans can’t let go?
Then again, there are always flashbacks.
RELATED: Chris Evans Shares The Challenges Of Bringing Captain America To Life
Evans isn’t the only actor who viewed ‘Endgame’ as a final farewell. Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow aren’t expected to come back, either, although Paltrow has said that if Marvel needed her for a tiny cameo that she could film in one day, she would absolutely come back.
Out of all of the Marvel actors, Evans has been one that has done the fewest outside projects during his time as a superhero. He will be seen on the Apple TV+ miniseries ‘Defending Jacob’. He is part of the ensemble cast of Rian Johnson’s dark comedy ‘Knives Out’, due at the end of November, and he is attached to star in ‘Jekyll’, an update of Jekyll & Hyde to be directed by Ruben Fleischer.
Do you want to see more of Chris Evans as Captain America? Or does he deserve a nice calm retirement?
Source: Heroic Hollywood