Fandom everywhere is ecstatic that ‘Logan‘ is the first comic book film to be nominated for an Oscar for adapted screenplay and director James Mangold is “thrilled” that his work is in the running! He also understands that other films “paved the way” for this to happen as ‘Logan’ likely wouldn’t have won ten years ago. This is one of those moments which show that film based on comic books aren’t just violence and spectacles but can touch viewers.
When he found out about the nomination, Mangold was “just stumbling around in the dark at home in Malibu” and likely wasn’t expecting this to happen.
As to why he believes that the movie got nominated in the first place. he gives a very well thought response:
Denis Makarenko /
“First of all, I think that there are other filmmakers who have paved the way with their adaptations of comic books that may not have gotten recognition, but have kind of opened people’s minds of the possibility of risk and creative invention in that genre.
On this film, we really focused on doing something different: a dramatic and character-driven film rather than trying to compete in the arms race of comic-book films… “I can spend more than you, I can blow up more than you.” We wanted to make a film that operated on the character engine and emotion. I’ve been really gratified by the way fans have embraced the movie.”
When talking about this being the first film to earn Mangold an Oscar nod, he says:
“I’m thrilled. It speaks to the idea that people are opening up to all genres to look for creative invention and I’m thrilled that people saw it in the work that Scott Frank, Michael Green and I did.”
Also, it is important to note that this is the first nominated superhero movie for best-adapted screenplay and this is where he talks about changing tastes and evolving the genre:
“Other filmmakers have done really amazing work in the genre before. As a genre it takes a long time for people to accept where there can be real creativity and ambition. There was a time when the western was considered a low form or pulpy form, but people invested in it. I very much wanted us to — in the script and in conversation with the cast and crew — to see this film as a personal film. As a film about character more than a franchise or a tentpole.”
I think everyone who had been following the journey of Wolverine and the X-Men so far could really not only relate to the story Mangold told but the outstanding acting which Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart were able to deliver to make this happen. There was an emotional connection between the actors and the viewers as well as the actors with one another.
Are you thrilled to see that Mangold is up for an Oscar for ‘Logan’? Do you think the movie would have been able to resonate with viewers quite as well if we hadn’t had the connection to these characters already from previous films? Share your thoughts below True Believers!
Stuart Conover is a father, husband, blogger, published author, geek, entrepreneur, editor of Horror Tree, horror fanatic, science fiction junkie, lives in a world of comics, and a casual gamer (all of this when his wife lets him of course.) He fell in love with science fiction and horror at the same time while watching the movie Alien at probably far too young of an age while still being extremely impressionable and has been happily obsessed with both since! Around the same time, he had also developed an unhealthy addiction to comic books that continues to this day!Want to talk about anything geeky? Reach out on Twitter - @StuartConover