For those stuck in the middle of America looking longingly towards the coasts with their PAX, and Comic Cons, there is hope.
Denver’s own Starfest is here to help. Is it as large as anything on the East Coast con circuit? No, but it has been steadily growing for years now. What used to be a convention dedicated to mostly Star Trek has expanded to encompass all of science-fiction, and recent years has included mini cons dedicated to all the things a nerd would want to see and love, ranging from a HorrorFest, RobotFes, and it’s own comic-con called ComicFest.
The main event, of course, is and always will be Starfest and this years guests should make all of us in the heartland of America who lament of never getting a chance to see any celebrities pretty happy.
Avery Brooks (Captain Sisko on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), Amanda Tapping (Carter on Stargate and Naomi on Supernatural), Ben Browder (Farscape, and Doctor Who), and Timothy Zahn (author of Star Wars extended canon) are just a few of the big names that will be attending.
The dates for the con are April 19-21, and will take place in the Denver Tech Center in Denver, Colorado. For more information, please visit the website here.
Even if you can’t attend, will be there, making sure you get the goods on what the happenings are.