Sorry folks, but even though the ‘Blade’ reboot (starring Mahershala Ali) was just announced this weekend, one director has already declared that he is not interested in tackling the project — Jordan Peele.
Peele told Rolling Stone:
“So many of those properties — it’s a childhood dream to be able to essentially see what you saw in your imagination as a child, watching or reading or whatever you were doing with that stuff. It’s a filmmaker’s dream. But you know, I feel like I only have so much time. I have a lot of stories to tell, and it just doesn’t feel right. It just doesn’t feel right… I’m a comic book and graphic novel appreciator, but I can’t call myself a true fan boy.”
Peele has had two successful horror films, ‘Get Out’ and ‘Us’, both of which were low-budget affairs and mixed social commentary with chills. He hasn’t directed anything along the lines of a big-budget action movie, and even though Blade is half-vampire, this is surely going to be more of an action flick than a true horror film. I’m not saying he couldn’t make a great ‘Blade’ movie, if he wanted to, but… he doesn’t.
RELATED: Jordan Peele Picks His Favorite Classic ‘Twilight Zone’ Episodes
In 2017, he also declared that he had no interest in directing Warner Bros. adaptation of ‘Akira’, stating:
“I want to do original stuff.”
He is involved with the reboot of ‘Candyman’, but he isn’t directing it. That honor went to Nia DaCosta. As Peele continued:
“Candyman was one of my favorites. As a director, if I was going to do any pre-existing property it’d be something like that. But I just feel like, look let’s help tell the story, but save my directing ventures for these stories that are my originals. I don’t know a better way to say it.”
Not only is Peele not directing ‘Candyman’, he didn’t direct any episodes of his CBS All Access reboot of ‘The Twilight Zone’, so it looks as though he is sticking to that “only directing originals” thing, so far.
With Peele off the table, I have a suggestion — Spike Lee. He was previously interested in directing a superhero movie for Sony about a complete nobody, ‘Nightwatch’, an obscure Spider-Man supporting character from the ’90s. If he was game to direct that mess, think of what he could do with a character that people have actually heard of and care about!
What do you think? Who should direct ‘Blade’?