Following in the footsteps of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Fox is set to bring the X-Men to television with ‘Legion‘. Masterminded by ‘Fargo’ creator Noah Hawley, the show will focus on David Haller, a young mutant diagnosed with schizophrenia, and based on the preview footage released thus far, the series looks set to embrace all of the weirdness that the concept implies.
In addition to playing up the program’s expected weirdness, the latest teasers for ‘Legion’ have confirmed that the show’s eight episode first season will premiere on FX in February 2017. While this still doesn’t provide a specific air date, it does narrow things down considerably.
This latest teasers deal with themes of control, most obviously as one of David’s therapists asks him if he thinks he can control things with his mind. But as the imagery soon makes clear, this question of control is not just present in the character’s supposed delusion, but also in the more ominous sense of whether or not he can control his powers (and, of course, what exactly those powers might entail).
Though the creators involved have so far been very coy about whether or not the show actually shares a common continuity with the film series, the comic book iteration of Legion is the illegitimate son of Charles Xavier, so the opportunities for a crossover (should the elect to pursue one) are rich to say the least.
The cast of ‘Legion’ includes Dan Stevens, Rachel Keller, Jean Smart, Aubrey Plaza, Jeremie Harris, Bill Irwin and Katie Aselton. Be sure to check back with for more on ‘Legion’ as the show’s February 2017 premiere approaches!
What do you hope to see as the live action X-Men universe expands to TV? Let us know in the comments!