Frank Miller’s Batman tale from 1986 titled ‘The Dark Knight Returns’ has become one of the most iconic Batman stories of all time. Now, Warner Bros. Home Video has adapted the tale into an animated motion picture in two parts. ‘Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 1’ was released in September and part two will be released early next year.
To promote the release of ‘Batman: The Dark Knight Part 2’, executive producer Bruce Timm and dialogue/casting director Andrea Romano were on hand at New York Comic Con to talk to members of the press and to participate in a panel to unveil some new footage from the new movie.
During our chats, we talked about the challenges in adapting such a well-loved story, how involved Frank Miller was in the creation of this film, and the difficulty in finding different actors who were not Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill to portray Batman and The Joker.
Check out the interviews in the video below courtesy of The Pretentious Film Majors: