HumorTV/Streaming MediaSuper Saturday: ‘The Fonz And The Happy Days Gang’ (1980) Posted January 11th, 2020 by Jax MotesContinuing my complete mangling of the expression “New Year, New Me,” I will be profiling live-action TV series that have been reenvisioned as…
DisneyDisney+MoviesStreaming ServiceTV/Streaming MediaWarwick Davis Cautions That It’s Still Early In The Development Of The ‘Willow’ Disney+ Series Posted January 10th, 2020 by Jax MotesScreenwriter Jonathan Kasdan sparked a flurry of buzz on social media by announcing that work was beginning in earnest on a Disney+ series…
DisneyDisney+Streaming ServiceTV/Streaming MediaJonathan Kasdan Indicates That Work Has Begun On The Disney+ ‘Willow’ Series Posted January 9th, 2020 by Jax MotesNow that ‘Star Wars’ is kind of wrapped up with the release of ‘The Rise of Skywalker’, and kind of reinvigorated by ‘The…
HorrorMoviesRon Howard Shares Why He Feels ‘The Dark Tower’ Failed Posted June 12th, 2019 by Stuart ConoverThe live-action adaptation of Stephen King‘s ‘The Dark Tower’ failed for fans, critics, and casual moviegoers and producer Ron Howard thinks he knows…
MoviesStar Wars‘Solo: A Star Wars Story:’ Ron Howard Responds To Backlash, Blames Trolling For Poor Ticket Sales Posted June 3rd, 2019 by Emily Schaab‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ hit theaters and divided fans one year ago. Now, director Ron Howard has come forward with some opinions…
MoviesTV/Streaming MediaRon Howard Reveals “Serious Discussions” Are Underway To Turn ‘Willow’ Into A Disney+ Series Posted May 2nd, 2019 by Jax MotesEver since 1988, fans have been clamoring for a follow-up to the Ron Howard fantasy film ‘Willow’, with the occasional rumor bubbling up…
MoviesScience & TechTV/Streaming MediaA New Documentary, ‘Peanuts In Space: Secrets Of Apollo 10’, Arrives On Apple TV In May Posted April 29th, 2019 by Jax MotesSnoopy is headed to space… or has he already been there? We’ll find out in a new short documentary, ‘Peanuts in Space: Secrets…
FeaturedMoviesTV/Streaming MediaThe Most WTF Moments Of 2018 Posted December 31st, 2018 by Jax MotesThere were a lot of memorable moments in pop culture in 2018, including many highs, as well as a few lows. But in…
MoviesLucasfilm Is Priming To Bring Us ‘Willow 2’ But Ron Howard Isn’t Currently Involved Posted October 31st, 2018 by Stuart ConoverWhen Ron Howard and Warwick Davis were making the rounds to promote ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ we learned that the pair had…
AvengersDeadpoolDisneyMarvelMoviesStar WarsWhy Did Disney Insist On Releasing ‘Solo’ In May? (Warning: It Has To Do With Stocks) Posted June 25th, 2018 by Jax MotesDisney had intended to release ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’, ‘The Last Jedi’ and ‘Rogue One’ in May of their respective years, but…
MoviesStar WarsRon Howard Responds To ‘Solo’ Poor Box Office Performance Posted June 11th, 2018 by Emily Schaab‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ director Ron Howard recently spoke about the film’s less than stellar box office performance, and took the opportunity…
MoviesStar WarsRon Howard Explains Why Jabba The Hutt Was Left Out Of ‘Solo’ Posted June 9th, 2018 by Nick CavicchioThis article does include spoilers for ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’. If you care about such things and have yet to see the…
MoviesStar WarsWhy Has ‘Solo’ Struggled At The Box Office? Poor Marketing May Be To Blame Posted June 4th, 2018 by Nick CavicchioEver since ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ opened to unusually soft box office returns (for a ‘Star Wars’ film, at least), much hay…
MoviesStar Wars‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Restored A Major Legends Character To Continuity Posted May 31st, 2018 by Nick Cavicchio‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ is packed with Easter eggs for longtime fans, referencing everything from ‘Splinter of the Mind’s Eye’ to ‘Masters…
MoviesStar Wars‘Solo’ Is Here, But Where Are Tag And Bink? Posted May 31st, 2018 by Nick CavicchioEagle-eyed fans have surely noticed by now that ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story‘ is packed with references both to established characters and events…