Just as Admiral Ackbar was unceremoniously killed off in ‘The Last Jedi’, it appears that another fan favorite from the original trilogy met his end in ‘The Rise of Skywalker’, although it wasn’t very clear. The confirmation comes from writer Rae Johnson, who has written a few ‘Star Wars’ books, including 2018’s ‘Star Wars: Most Wanted’, and ‘The Red One: Star Wars from a Certain Point of View’. However, her next book should leave no doubt to her credibility. She is the author of the novelization ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Expanded Edition’, which will not only adapt the final movie into novel format but will include new material that didn’t make it onto the big screen. (Perhaps the fact that Lando is Jannah’s dad?)
RELATED: Tim Rose Is Just As Frustrated With Admiral Ackbar’s Death As The Rest Of Us
And what is this revelation that she has already confirmed? Unfortunately, it’s that Nien Nunb from ‘Return of the Jedi’ returned for ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ only to be killed off. The Rebel who co-piloted the Millennium Falcon with Lando in the big assault on the second Death Star appeared at the Resistance base with the other heroes as they were planning their final attack, but during the melee that followed, he seemed to vanish and did not reappear at the end.
Yeah, I think it’s pretty clear from the movie (upon careful watching), so I feel comfortable confirming. Props to you for noticing!
— Rae Carson (@raecarson) January 6, 2020
In the comments, some fans pointed out that his death occurs right before Rey is confronted by the voices of dead Jedi. His ship was destroyed by Palpatine’s lightning.
Nien Nunb was a mixture of live-action and puppetry in ‘Jedi’. Mike Quinn performed the puppetry, while stunt performer Richard Bonehill performed in wide shots. His voice was provided by Kipsang Rotich, who spoke in his native Kenyan dialects of Kikuyu and Haya. Quinn and Rotich returned for cameos in ‘The Force Awakens’, ‘The Last Jedi’, and finally, ‘The Rise of Skywalker’.
What do you think? Are you upset that Nien Nunb was killed off in ‘The Last Jedi’?
Source: Cinema Blend