Hoo boy. Tom Hiddleston is a certified sex symbol but one theater-goer took her love of Loki to the next level… and one that might be illegal! Hiddleston is currently starring in the Broadway play ‘Betrayal’, written by Harold Pinter, at the Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre. A woman who appeared to be in her early thirties, and who was described as being “well-dressed” um… well, appears to have loudly masturbated (to climax) through the show!
As one person wrote on the All That Chat messageboard:
“My companion could feel a rhythmic banging against his armrest, punctuated by occasional low moans and giggles… [It] got faster and faster until there was one slightly louder ‘Ha’, and she resumed her normal seat position, put her head back and closed her eyes.”
Oh, and it doesn’t appear to have stopped there. There is no intermission in ‘Betrayal’, but apparently, in the second act, Hiddleston has a steamy love scene with co-star Zawé Ashton, and for this enthusiastic theater-aficionado that “kicked off Round Two, again adjusting in her seat, furiously pounding her armrest, letting out a ‘Ha’ and dozing off.”
RELATED: Tom Hiddleston Reveals Why Working On Disney+’s ‘Loki’ Is “Thrilling”
Reportedly, this nimble-fingered observer came too in time to applauded “enthusiastically” at the play’s end, but she “quickly exited.” Page Six speculates that perhaps she needed a cigarette after her public pleasure-fest.
The original poster, who says he has been attending the theater for 55 years, wrote:
“The show was really wonderful and the cast first-rate. But you might want to avoid seat B-3.”
You have been warned, New York theater-goers!
Ugh. I bet when Disney+’s ‘Loki’ series begins, she won’t be able to leave her house for months! I’m just glad she wasn’t at my showing of ‘Endgame’! Can you imagine three hours of that?!