Hi Marvel cinephiles! (And all movie fans!)
Captain America finally became worthy! Oh wait! He already was. Marvel cinephiles geeked out at the scene in ‘Marvel’s The Avengers: Endgame’ where Captain America finally lifted Mjolnir in an all-out battle against Thanos! Let’s look at the evolution of Captain America from ‘Captain America: The First Avenger’ to ‘Marvel’s The Avengers: Endgame’.
This is a three-part story. In our first part, we look at Captain America’s journey as a super-soldier. In our second part, we look at Captain America’s journey as a superhero. Today, we look at Captain America’s journey as a warrior.
‘Captain America: Civil War’ (2016)

For all its success – the movie did perform well with more than $1 billion at the box office and 91 percent Rotten Tomatoes score – ‘Captain America: Civil War is first and foremost a movie about Captain America, not, the Avengers. Following the events of ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron, the Avengers team ends up divided over signing the Sokovia Accords, a form of superhero registration that would make superheroes and the Avengers government employees. Much of the question surrounding the work done by superheroes to protect the peace is around the concept of collateral damage. The Avengers pack a lot of muscle! From a thunder god, to a man powered by a palladium reactor and an iron suit, to a giant hulking powerhouse Frankenstein, and dare I even add Captain America himself, who is able to hold his own against the best of them?
Captain America’s decision to oppose the signing of the Sokovia Accords puts him at direct odds with Iron Man who favors it and a fracture of the Avengers team ensues. The Captain, then, has to go into hiding after the Winter Soldier, with whom he has a close connection, is accused of the assassination of Wakanda’s King T’Chaka at the United Nations summit over the Sokovia Accords. His son, next in the line of succession, T’Challa promises to avenge his father’s death. What follows is a manhunt for Captain America, Winter Soldier, and his allies who have to go into hiding. In the meantime, he kisses a woman, named Sharon, who worked for S.H.I.E.L.D.
‘Captain America: Civil War’ marks a progression for Captain America towards becoming a traitor to his own government and evolves his initial suspicion and distrust for his government to the point of rebellion and opposition to his own teammates. From the preservation of peace, the Captain becomes a guardian of freedom, believing that the Avengers make a difference most powerfully when they stand as an independent unit of the government and not as a government agency or government squad.
The movie is certainly very political and raises the question of protecting human liberty from U.S. government surveillance in a government that daily grows larger. This marks a transition of Captain America from superhero to warrior, to rebel, to someone who is willing to go to war in order to defend human liberty even at the cost of injuring those whom he cares about.
Captain America is a superhero first and foremost, one who protects life. At the same time, if ‘Captain America: Civil War’ is a war of superheroes and features the addition of one friendly neighborhood superhero to the Avengers, it also marks the turning point in the final chapters of the Avengers saga as it prepares the fracture of the Avengers team for the war with cosmic proportions. I am speaking of Thanos!
Here, Captain America is willing to do whatever it takes to defend the right to freedom and even come to blows with a very dear and close friend. How is that possible? Captain America even defeats him at the end of the movie! Then, having preserved his freedom, he goes into hiding with his allies. He becomes a warrior, protected by the advanced African nation of Wakanda.
Are you ready for the next two chapters in the Captain America career in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Avengers assemble!
‘Avengers: Infinity War’ (2018)
‘Avengers: Infinity War’ may qualify as the movie experience of the decade. Shot completely in IMAX, it features an ensemble cast that features over 40 main actors and diverse set pieces and action sequences. Much of the movie is a breathtaking experience into high cinema, its ability to produce quality art, and the fascination the comic book superhero genre holds on audiences. Wow! That is a mouthful!
I think it is safe to say that, this movie features Captain America at his lowest. He has grown a beard, lost his shield, lost weight and has to come out of hiding with his allies, one of which is Black Widow, to whom over the next two movies he grows close.
There is not much to say except that Thanos brings an all-out war to the universe and Earth figures as the last guide-post, the last battlefront in a war of cosmic proportions. In this movie, Captain America fights to kill and he even resists the power of the Mad Titan in a battle of wills. For a brief moment, that is!
One new character trait seen in ‘Infinity War’ that Captain America develops is blood lust! That is the sign of a warrior. The thirst for war.
‘Avengers: Endgame’ (2019)
Let’s celebrate Captain America finally lifting Mjolnir! He has now evolved from soldier to warrior and being proved worthy. Break out the champagne! Ladies and gentlemen… let’s relive the final phase of this journey. I give you the greatest fight in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Captain America vs Thanos!
Now that Captain America has lifted Mjolnir, should he become the next king of Asgard?
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