Ben Bova, revered in the science fiction community for his work as an author, an editor, and a scientist, passed away this past…
It seems director Scott Derrickson has been attending seminar’s put on by Bryan Singer on ‘How To Promote Your Marvel Movie,” as the…
Ryan Reynolds has once again taken to the internet to demonstrate exactly why he was such a brilliant choice to portray the perpetually…
Last time on Thanos Rising #3, we saw Thanos as a space pirate. Near the end of the issue, his captain decided to break…
For Thanos being my favorite Marvel villain of all time, I knew that an origin story was either going to make or break…
Last issue we found that Thanos is free in the Marvel Universe. While we don’t know what he has planning (just that it…
Fans have known for a while that Marvel’s “merc with a mouth” was going to kick the bucket in ‘Deadpool’ #50. But, until…