Disney+ sounded like a great option for MCU superfans because it would be home to several shows based on the films, with the same actors. But now it seems as though fans HAVE to subscribe to Disney+ and watch these programs if they want to continue fully enjoying the theatrical movies. Disney CEO Bob Iger was featured in an in-depth profile in Bloomberg Businessweek, and among the collaborators interviewed was Marvel creative top dog Kevin Feige, who disclosed that ‘WandaVision’ starring Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff, and ‘Loki’ starring Tom Hiddleston will both set up the events of the movie ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’, with Olsen co-starring in that film.
While that was already known, it was previously not revealed that ‘Loki’ would also play some part in setting up the second ‘Doctor Strange’ flick. As Feige admitted:
“I’m not sure we’ve actually acknowledged that before, but it does.”
Disney+ has sounded like an appealing option, considering that it will offer nearly everything Disney has ever produced, including acquisitions from Lucasfilm LTD and 20th Century Fox, and it will be the exclusive streaming source for the ultra-popular current Marvel and ‘Star Wars’ film franchises. And its price– $6.99 a month– makes it more affordable than nearly all of its competitors.
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But the news that fans have to subscribe in order to stay fully tuned in to what is going on in the films seems a bit shady. Then again, I know people who don’t go see every Marvel movie, just the big ones, so if they can get by, then they can do without the Disney+ shows, and that probably goes for others who aren’t as diehard.
In addition to ‘WandaVision’ and ‘Loki’, Disney+ will offer ‘The Falcon and The Winter Soldier’ with Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan, plus Emily VanCamp, and Daniel Brühl, and ‘Hawkeye’ with Jeremy Renner and (hopefully) Hailee Steinfeld. The former will likely reveal what the future holds for the title “Captain America” now that Chris Evans’ Steve Rogers has retired, while the latter will feature Clint Barton handing over the mantle of Hawkeye to a new successor.
In addition, Marvel is using Disney+ to introduce new characters in their own shows– ‘Moon Knight’, ‘Ms. Marvel’, and ‘She-Hulk’. It’s kind of a given that Brie Larson‘s Captain Marvel will appear in ‘Ms. Marvel’ (which is also rumored to introduce the Inhumans) and that Mark Ruffalo‘s Bruce Banner/the Hulk will factor into ‘She-Hulk’. It is also known that ‘WandaVision’ will introduce an adult version of Monica Rambeau, who appeared as a child in ‘Captain Marvel’, but who comic fans know eventually assumes her own superpowered identity as Photon or Spectrum.
Are these shows just fun extras? Or do you feel compelled to sign up for Disney+ in order to stay connected to the MCU?