Dominic Monaghan may be a popular actor among genre fans due to his roles on ‘Lost’ and the ‘Lord of the Rings‘ movies, but some fans aren’t thrilled with his latest appearance as Beaumont Kin in ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker‘. As Monaghan recently divulged, J.J. Abrams wrote the character into the script after losing a bet over a soccer game. In the movie, Beaumont Kin is one of the core Resistance fighters assisting Leia, alongside his fellow ‘Lost’ alum Greg Grunberg as pilot Snap Wexley, Billie Lourd’s Lt. Connix, Lupita Nyong’o’s Maz Kanata, and Kelly Marie Tran’s Rose Tico.
Many fans are irate over the lack of screentime for Rose in particular. After she had been set up as an important character in ‘The Last Jedi’, she only appeared on screen in ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ for less than two minutes!
RELATED: ‘Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker’: The Name Of Dominic Monaghan’s Character Has Been Revealed… And He’s Appeared Before
Screenwriter Chris Terrio has since explained that the original script called for more interactions between Rose and Leia, but because they had to use archival footage of the late Carrie Fisher, it seems that Abrams wasn’t happy with how those scenes looked and cut them from the finished movie. But Rose fans feel that she might have played a larger part had the movie not shoehorned in Beaumont, a brand new character with no real explanation for his presence or importance.
Here are some reactions:
“J.J. emailed me and he said, ‘I think I have a Star Wars part for you… If England beat Colombia, you’re in.’ I was like, oh mate, you bastard.”
He fucking put his buddy in TROS over a soccer bet but wrote out Rose.
I… I think i hate himhttps://t.co/Gdj1E1HqAh
— Jennifer MY REPLIES HAVE TROS SPOILERS de Guzman (@Jennifer_deG) December 29, 2019
“Didn’t have to audition”Won a bet over a soccer game and got the role”” “Had a role written for him by JJ” pic.twitter.com/j56ArObB72
— luminous beings are we, not this crude matter (@warrystars) December 30, 2019
It was SO distracting every time he popped up, inexplicably, onscreen. Would have really preferred to see Rose given more time and meaning, but…
— Jay Reynolds (@stuffedskullcat) December 29, 2019
Abrams and Terrio wrote out the vital, vibrant, joyful character of Rose Tico to shoehorn in Meriadoc Brandybuck so he could be distracting in every scene he was in, all because of a dudebro soccer bet. Everything about this movie gets worse the more I learn.
Thanks, I hate it. pic.twitter.com/3e9BPQKqbd— Heather Hughson (@HNHughson) December 30, 2019
Creating a part for a white guy at the expense of a WOC was hideous already, but this arbitrary, macho-bullshit angle is just beyond the pale. This is privilege at its most painfully oblivious.
— Rob Heiret (@Rheiret) December 29, 2019
‘The Rise of Skywalker’ has already gotten mixed reactions, so this is just another drop in the bucket. But I definitely can relate to the opinion that Beaumont has never appeared in a ‘Star Wars’ movie, yet here he is in a position of importance in the new one with zero set-up.
Did you find Monaghan’s presence distracting in ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’?