‘Orphan Black,’ the little show that could from BBC, is coming to an end. The intriguing alt-reality sci-fi show made a star out of its lead actress, Tatiana Maslany, by asking her to carry the show, quite literally, by playing not only her role, but those of her four clones, or “sestras,” as the show calls them.
Now has come the time, however, for the saga of a woman and her cadre of clones to come to an end. The fifth and final season of the show is headed our way soon, and it looks to be shaping up to put one explosive cap on a truly unique televised series. BBC has gifted viewers with one final trailer before the “beginning of the end” – check it out below, along with the channel’s description of what fans can expect to see as the curtain closes on the series.
“When we last saw Sarah (Tatiana Maslany), she’d been badly beaten in an epic physical battle against Rachel, that left her bruised and broken. Her foster mum, Mrs. S (Maria Doyle Kennedy), and daughter Kira (Skyler Wexler) were taken hostage and her sestra Cosima (Maslany) went missing. Now, Cosima and Alison (Maslany), and their allies have been brought to heel. Even more harrowing is that Kira has joined them in surrender. Rachel, sitting at the head of the Neolution table, has carte blanche access to their clone biology, and with Helena (Maslany) pregnant with twins, her biology is the most coveted of all. Sarah in a desperate attempt to regain control, realizes she must change tactics to pursue a long game. She, and those still able to fight, will uncover the missing pieces of the insidious conspiracy – and finally free themselves from the tyranny that has taken over their lives. Despite the great risk, the fight of her life will either set her and her sestras free, or see them meet their end.”
The 5th and final season of ‘Orphan Black’ premieres June 10, 2017, on BBC America.
Tony Schaab rolls his eyes when he hears kids reference a screen-cap of the original NES Super Mario game as a “Minecraft Mario” – you damn kids, get off my lawn! A lover of most things sci-fi and horror, Tony is an author by day and a DJ by night. Come hang out with Tony on Twitter or follow him on Facebook to hear him spew semi-funny nonsense and get your opportunity to finally put him in his place.