RUMOR MILL: This information is strictly RUMOR for now, so take it with a grain of salt.
It was previously revealed that on the upcoming CW series ‘Superman & Lois’, starring Tyler Hoechlin and Elizabeth Tulloch, Lois will still be the ace reporter she has always been, but Clark will find himself out of a job after a wave of layoffs at the Daily Planet. Now, a detailed synopsis for the first episode has surfaced online and if it’s accurate, we may have some more details about that situation.
According to the synopsis posted on Primetimer, Clark is handed a pink slip after the Daily Planet is purchased by the media conglomerate owned by billionaire Morgan Edge, “who doesn’t care about real journalism or even facts.”
Morgan Edge, a heavy from the comics, has already appeared on ‘Supergirl’ S3 as portrayed by Adrian Pasdar. That version of Edge was the CEO of Edge Global who attempted to buy out CatCo and kill Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath). He was taken into custody by the Guardian (James Olsen, Mehcad Brooks) and sent to jail.
First of all, it’s not for certain that the synopsis posted by Primetimer is legit. If it is, we’ll have to wait and see if ‘Superman & Lois’ have figured out a way to bring Pasdar’s Morgan Edge back, or if the reality-warping events of “Crisis on Infinite Earths” have resulted in the Morgan Edge of a different Earth replacing him.
‘Superman & Lois’ will find Clark and Lois in a situation that has never been presented before, as the parents of teenage sons, Jonathan and Jordan. They may be twins and may be 13-years-old, but the actors playing them, Jordan Elsass and Alexander Garfin, respectively are a lot older than that.
‘Superman & Lois’ was ordered for The CW’s upcoming season, so check back for details as they arrive.