‘The Flash’ has just returned to The CW to air the remaining episodes of the current sixth season, following a delay caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. But the creators of the show are already looking to the future and making plans for Season 7. The recent seasons introduced new villains including Bloodwork and Godspeed who were created in more modern comics, by writer Joshua Williamson, with Godspeed making his debut in 2016’s ‘The Flash: Rebirth’ Vol 2 #1, and Bloodwork arriving in 2017’s ‘The Flash’ Vol 5 #29. And according to executive producer/showrunner Eric Wallace, the show will continue to pull from more recent comics for rogues, although fans will still be able to look forward to returns from more classic characters like Gorilla Grodd.
Speaking to CBR, Wallace said:
“So, if you’re a new reader of the comic books of The Flash, you’d be going, ‘Well, where’s my villain? Where are people like Godspeed and things like that?’ Black Hole being an example, and Bloodwork. So it was a deliberate attempt on my part to say welcome to the new Flash readers. There’s something here for you too. It’s not just people who read The Flash in the Silver and Bronze Ages.”
“I make no secret that my favorite Flash villain is Gorilla Grodd and always will be, which is why we’ll always have — as we did this season — a Gorilla Grodd story. But will we see more villains from the current run, from Joshua [Williamson] and all the great guys and women who are putting that together? Oh, yes! Not necessarily in this season, but moving forward into Season 7. Having said that, you might also see some old villains, too. Maybe as soon as two weeks from now. [laughs] There’s a spoiler.”
Sendhil Ramamurthy portrayed Bloodwork, a.k.a. Dr. Ramsey Rosso, while Kindall Charters portrayed Godspeed, a.k.a. August Heart, with B.D. Wong providing his voice when he is in costume.
Who could pop up to threaten Barry in the seventh season? The cosmic-powered Paradox? What about Catalyst?
Who have been your favorite villains, and who would you like to see introduced on the show?