Coming soon to AppleTV+ is the series, ‘For All Mankind,’ with executive producer Ronald D. Moore (known for his involvement with, ‘Star Trek,’ ‘Battlestar Galactica and ‘Outlander’). The series, which will premier November 1st, will tell the story of an alternate universe where the USSR reached the moon before the USA and all the subsequent ripples through history that this change made.
On this point, Moore commented:
“At some point, mankind starts to come together as one world community and the Cold War competition between the United States and the Soviet Union becomes less relevant and actually the two powers start to hopefully cooperate.”
The concept is interesting, but I hope the series has more to it than just a cooperative love fest between formerly cold-warring countries. In real life, that would be ideal, but in the world of sci-fi entertainment, it would be a yawn-fest. When I first learned of the show, I was thinking more along the lines of ‘Red Son,’ where the USSR dominates the world due to a twist of fate, but it appears the show will be taking a different tack.
RELATED: Apple TV Releases The Official Trailer For ‘For All Mankind’
Deadline interviewed Moore about the series at New York Comic Con and Moore explained the unique opportunity he had in working with Apple on the series, as opposed to a more traditional studio:
“It’s a different culture, it’s a culture of tech and its now a culture of tech marrying into Hollywood. We’ve definitely had conversations with Apple about beyond the frame of the TV show. There’s other things we’re thinking of doing on the platform that would allow us to tell more and more of the story than what’s contained literally in the linear episode each week.”
He concluded like in true geek form:
“I have been given all the toys, it’s kind of a dream come true.”
‘For All Mankind’ was created by Moore, Matt Wolpert, and Ben Nedivi. It’s set in the 1960s and 1970s and stars Joel Kinnaman, Michael Dorman, Sarah Jones, Shantel Van Santen, Wrenn Schmidt, and Jodi Balfour.
Moore has a panel at the New York Comic Con, so check back to ScienceFiction.com for more details about that panel. You can watch his full interview with Deadline here.