Jodie Whittaker’s first season as the lead on ‘Doctor Who’ was largely well-received, although it broke from tradition in a number of ways, besides Whittaker’s performance as the first female generation of The Doctor. The season was made-up entirely of stand-alone episodes, there were no familiar villains, and no Christmas Special. But now that Whittaker’s Doctor is established, the current 12th season is bringing back familiar nemeses like The Daleks and Cybermen, and the show is returning to multi-episode story arcs. This version of ‘Doctor Who’ may be just hitting its stride, and fans can rest assured there is more to come.
Speaking to EW, Whittaker revealed:
“Yes, I’m doing another season. That might be a massive exclusive that I’m not supposed to say, but it’s unhelpful for me to say [I don’t know] because it would be a massive lie! [Laughs] I absolutely adore it. At some point, these shoes are going to be handed on, but it’s not yet. I’m clinging on tight!”
The average run for an individual Doctor is three seasons, although there are a few exceptions. Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor lasted the longest– seven seasons. Jon Pertwee’s Third starred in five. But, Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor only starred in two seasons, while Christopher Eccleston‘s Ninth only lasted for only one, which he reportedly hated making. Besides them, William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy, David Tennant, Matt Smith, and Peter Capaldi all starred on three seasons apiece. So one more season will at least tie Whittaker with the majority of previous Doctors.
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Going back to the topic of returning villains, fans were shocked by the Episode 1 reveal that The Master had regenerated, and was now played by Sacha Dhawan. Hopefully, there will be more of The Master in upcoming episodes. Whittaker for one would welcome the chance to work with Dhawan again.
“I absolutely loved the work that we got to do together. When you have chemistry with your ultimate villain, it’s brilliant.”
For more inside scoops directly from Whittaker, check out this video Q&A:
‘Doctor Who’ airs in the U.S. on BBC America Sunday nights at 8pm.