
The history behind Bullseye is Marvel Comics is a mysterious one so it was interesting to see such a well-developed story in the third season of ‘Daredevil.’ Showrunner Erik Oleson has some very specific reasons as to why he wanted to include this backstory and fans of the show will likely appreciate how well it tied in.

According to Oleson:

“This is the story of how this character — who might have been a good guy in the world — is turned into a bad guy, and ultimately set on the path to becoming one of the big villains of Marvel lore. And that allowed us to tell, I think, a deeper, more character driven and emotional story, which to me is the best kind of writing. Stories that are very much told from the inside, where you’re with characters, you empathize with characters, you understand the decisions they make, even if you may or may not agree with them, and you’re on the journey. You’re kind of in the head of those characters.”

With how amazing of an intricate villain that the series has delivered with Vincent D’Onofrio’s take on Wilson Fisk, it was hard to imagine that the series would give us not just one stellar bad guy but two. While fans have been dying to see this nemesis of Daredevil’s for quite some time, Oleson didn’t want to just toss Bullseye into the mix fully formed:

“I think that would satisfy some folks, but it wouldn’t have satisfied me. I just wanted to go for the deeper model. I think as in the future if Bullseye were to appear in future seasons, I think that the audience is going to have a much deeper understanding and connection with that villain in the way that we have a deep and meaningful connection with Wilson Fisk after watching season one.”

While I completely agree with this line of thinking, it is hard to get too attached to another great enemy for the Netflix heroes to be able to have with the shows dropping left and right. With both ‘Iron Fist’ and ‘Luke Cage’ already having been canceled how much hope can we have for both ‘Daredevil’ and ‘Jessica Jones’ continuing?

Did you prefer the introduction to Bullseye that we got or would you rather have seen a master assassin for hire just show up? Share your thoughts in the comments below, True Believers!

Source: Comic Book