Just when you thought that the televised version of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett‘s ‘Good Omens‘ couldn’t get any better we have Nick Offerman (‘Parks and Recreation’,’The Founder’) joining the cast! Amazon is bringing us this six-part mini-series and I’ve been dying for every piece of information that the cast, crew, and studio have been willing to share with us so far.
The book has a set of circumstances which play out in a fun way for fans of ‘The Omen’ and Offerman’s role will be crucial to that sequence. The actor has been cast as “the U.S. Ambassador and father to Warlock” who is a child that is mistaken to be the Antichrist by those who serve Heaven and Hell.
According to Gaiman:
“There may not be anyone alive who can deadpan a line quite as well as Nick Offerman. He’s a terrific performer and has to say a lot of things in Good Omens that are humanly impossible to deliver with a straight face. Fortunately, Nick is not entirely human. We are very lucky to have him.”
As to Offerman, he isn’t just acting in the series but was a fan of the novel as well! It is always fun when fans can play a part in something they’ve enjoyed over the years as the actor shared:
“If you had told me when I first read Good Omens in the early ’90s that I would one day visit South Africa to giggle with Neil Gaiman at laptop-screened footage of Dr. Who and David Frost dancing because I was assaying a role in the adaptation of said book, I would likely have offered to purchase some of whatever you must be smoking. But here I am, still giggling at the luck of it.”
This initial reveal of Offerman joining the cast did come from Gaiman himself by way of Twitter in the perfect set of teasing tweets:
I suppose you are still wondering who the Good Omens secret guest star I mentioned last week was…
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) March 6, 2018
You are thinking, Neil, are you ever going to tell us who the mysterious Secret Guest was? Who could be so debonair and manly, so firmly fabulous that you would keep it a secret?
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) March 6, 2018
Probably, you are thinking, you could post a photograph as a clue. And it’s true, I could. #GoodOmens #SecretGuestStar
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) March 6, 2018
And even if I posted a photograph of the mysterious Guest Star you might not recognise him. Not if he was the sort of person you were used to seeing with bountiful facial hair… #GoodOmens #SecretGuestStar
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) March 6, 2018
Seen here testing local drums for a 2 year old for volume+suitability (none of them were loud enough): our Secret Guest Star. Ladies, Gentlemen & All Others, as the father (sort of) of Warlock Dowling, the (Not-) Antichrist,I present the temporarily beardless Mr @Nick_Offerman. pic.twitter.com/SLen4qKs7b
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) March 6, 2018
The film already has a strong cast and Offerman joining is just icing on the cake at this point. I can’t wait to see how he plays the part even if the series isn’t set to drop until 2019.
Are you excited to see Nick Offerman joining the cast of ‘Good Omens’? Who else agrees that he just looks so utterly strange without facial hair? Share your thoughts below!
Source: Entertainment Weekly