Welcome to Sci-Friday! Every week, we’ll help you head into the weekend by collecting some links from the best real-life science news that…
Welcome back to yet another fun packed edition of Toy News Tuesday! We’re the one weekly column right here on ScienceFiction.com where we…
If you’ve been watching television, you know that it’s not really anything new to see companies cashing in on the new Star Trek…
I’m not sure what the news one would expect to come out of West Virginia, but it’s certainly not that a Representative would…
If any one of thought that Gotham City was supposed to be an metaphor for New York City, we were wrong. It turns…
When covering meteors, one usually expects it to be a slow news day. However, it seems today that Asteroid 2012-DA14 is not the…
I was first alerted to this news by my British friend via an email entitled, “England leads the way again!” Curious, I click…
Sigourney Weaver will return as Dr. Grace Augustine in the blockbuster hit film, Avatar 2. Avatar became the highest grossing film of all…