Comments on: Comic Book Review: ‘Stormwatch’ #2 Science Fiction (sci-fi) news, books, tv, movies, comic books, video games and more... Tue, 18 Oct 2011 04:12:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Captain Kal Tue, 18 Oct 2011 04:12:00 +0000 I’m concerned by Cornell’s disrespect of the mainstream Superman and Justice League.

I’m also unimpressed by his uneven, inconsistent writing.  Why claim Apollo is the most powerful person on Earth, but then he’s not
only largely ineffective against J’Onn, but J’Onn claims he can equal a
supposedly ‘superior’ Apollo by just changing shape. This makes no
sense. They can’t both be ‘most powerful’, and if they’re equal, why
bother recruiting Apollo if the Martian Manhunter is around already?
Cornell’s writing is inconsistent here, at the least.

Then, look at the supposed ‘evidence’ of Apollo’s superior power. He’s
killed a child porn ring; yep, that speaks of world-shaking power…not.
Someone wrote a fanfic about him; it’s fiction, guys. And the text
clearly states that pic of Apollo mauling Superman was photoshopped.
Hello? Photoshopped means unreliable. If that were evidence, I could
take seriously the fanboy fanpics of the Hulk beating up Superman, but
this has never been published in an actual book. IOW, not only is the
evidence thin and unconvincing, I question Stormwatch’s own wisdom
accepting such meager evidence. It seems the only thing clear is Apollo
lacks the same moral restraints of the real Superman, so they want
their own ‘superman’ albeit without his morals.

The ‘evidence’ of Apollo’s being more powerful than Superman is thin and
still unconvincing. Stormwatch seems to be more into wishful thinking
on this point given the evidence.

And what is this nonsense about J’Onn ‘faking’ unconsciousness to learn more about Midnighter.  Hello?  Telepath?  What could he learn by this lame stunt that he couldn’t by just reading the guy’s mind?  And this disrespects and even reduces Midnighter’s vaunted ability to precalculate combat scenarios if J’Onn faked this and Middy didn’t know it.
